AMD Ryzen 3 vs Ryzen 5 vs Ryzen 7 vs 9 Blog

By now, we are all aware of just how successful AMD’s comeback has been, to the point that AMD almost dethroned Intel as the processor king in the market. However, the one thing that still confuses most people is the difference between the numbers that AMD use for their processors. Namely, Ryzen 3, Ryzen 5, … Read more

AMD vs Nvidia

Rivalries can be found everywhere. Even if you are talking about consoles, there is a never-ending competition between Xbox and PlayStation. Rivalries are good. The reason why I said so is that they allow each other to grow and become better than the competition. One such rivalry can be seen on the PC side of … Read more

Intel vs AMD Ryzen

If you are going into the PC gaming market, then the time is right. However, there are so many options available in the market, it actually becomes difficult for people to choose the right components for themselves. One of the biggest debate that is going on in the market for the past year or so … Read more