AMD vs Nvidia

Rivalries can be found everywhere. Even if you are talking about consoles, there is a never-ending competition between Xbox and PlayStation. Rivalries are good. The reason why I said so is that they allow each other to grow and become better than the competition. One such rivalry can be seen on the PC side of … Read more

What Is GPU Scaling?

The technology around us is evolving rapidly and there is no other way to look at it. As a result, the way we use computers is changing too. We are getting used to higher resolutions, better contrast as well as better computer graphics. This means that we are reaching new heights of computer graphics where … Read more

10 PC Gaming Graphics Terms You Should Know About

One of the first things we do, after installing any game on our PCs, is tweaking its settings such as sound settings, graphics settings, and control settings etc. Sound settings and control settings are almost same in every game out there, but graphics settings is the area where things get very interesting. It’s because here … Read more